Exercise is Medicine program helps promote well-being
FGCU at forefront of health initiative changing the way we think about being active...
Students explore medical device industry through Arthrex partnership
Marieb College course opens doors to career options...
Awards honor Eagles soaring in careers, serving communities
It’s no secret that the university’s 36,000-plus alumni comprise an impressive group, but the growing number of nominees for the...
Former hospital CEO lends his expertise to Marieb transition
Codeine is a well-known opioid pain reliever. But what, you might ask, is a co-dean? Longtime healthcare administrator Jim Nathan...
Alum flexing entrepreneurial muscle with fitness business
Gulf Coast Performance thriving despite hurdles created by pandemic...
Summer 2020 President’s and Dean’s lists honor FGCU’s top scholars
Florida Gulf Coast University honors its top scholars each semester by naming undergraduate students to the President’s List or Dean’s...
First-year nursing grad forced to quickly confront crisis: COVID-19
Miller credits instruction and mentorship she received at FGCU...
Love of community translates to career choice for social work grad
Alumna specializes in translating indigenous languages...