Categories | Faculty and Staff

WGCU helps journalism students get the scoop on media work

July 28, 2022 0

The first time journalism student Samantha Roesler intended to cover a government meeting, she attended a city council meeting in...

Graduate student finds career choice came naturally

July 26, 2022 0

Growing up in rural Rhode Island, Ella Guedouar lived on a dead-end road with hundreds of wooded acres that seemed...

Soaring Eagle awards honor high-achieving alumni

July 21, 2022 0

It usually takes many years to build the sort of life that brings with it accolades and recognition from the...

FGCU helping boost minority participation in STEM

July 12, 2022 0

STEM is the future – and the future has already arrived. Jobs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are...

Environmental educators emphasize strength of localizing lessons

July 5, 2022 0

Planting the seeds of environmental stewardship in a child’s consciousness early can reap lifelong benefits. That’s why a team from...

FGCU developing as regional hub for the autism community

June 20, 2022 0

When Annemarie Connor utters the phrase “our college students with autism” in conversation, it usually elicits a look that says,...

‘One Island’ connects artists and writers in gallery show

June 8, 2022 0

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, a trio of FGCU luminaries came together – Jim Brock, professor in the Department of...

FGCU at 25: Chemistry, close-knit campus brought couple together

June 3, 2022 0

Barrett Stejskal was a 6-foot-5, 280-pound man-mountain who loved the outdoors and didn’t mind expressing it during his years at...

Kagdi named U.A. Whitaker College of Engineering dean

May 31, 2022 0

Huzefa Kagdi expected to spend a few days before the Memorial Day weekend catching up on household chores and visiting...

Spring graduates share inspiring journeys to earning degrees

May 26, 2022 0

FGCU students travel many different paths to one destination: graduation day. Out of 1,942 candidates for undergraduate and graduates degrees...