Categories | College of Engineering

970-plus Eagles to graduate Sunday

December 6, 2016 0

FGCU will confer degrees on more than 970 students on Sunday, Dec. 11, during two commencement ceremonies at Alico Arena....

Student entrepreneurs test device with Lee Health

November 1, 2016 0

Illumitize is designed to encourage workers and visitors to sanitize their hands before touching patients....

Grant supports FGCU STEM program for girls

October 20, 2016 0

GEMS mentors and inspires young women to pursue education and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics....

Runway Program taking off in right direction

October 20, 2016 0

Any aspiring Eagle entrepreneur, regardless of major, can apply for the spring session by Nov. 23....

Classes, research activity emerging at ETI

September 28, 2016 0

FGCU’s newest institute generating collaboration in fields such as entrepreneurship, technology and genetics....