Florida Gulf Coast University’s new president took office over the summer after confirmation by the State University System of Florida’s Board of Governors. That’s the biggest change at FGCU since the spring term ended, but it’s not the only one that will be apparent to those returning to campus for the fall semester. Following are highlights of what’s new this year.
New traffic pattern at Parking Garage 4
The campus loop road hasn’t had a substantial upgrade in 25 years… until now. Thanks to funding from the State of Florida for deferred maintenance projects, the road that encircles much of FGCU’s main campus has been repaved. The biggest change to traffic is at Parking Garage 4, where drivers exiting the structure can no longer turn left onto the loop. Drivers can still enter the garage from either direction.
WiFi on the Library Lawn
Students asked for it, and Information Technology (ITS) delivered. There is now wireless coverage on the Library Lawn and the sitting areas outside Academic Building 9 (The Water School). Through eduroam, a campus wireless network, FGCU students, faculty and staff will have faster speeds (up to 30 megabits) and higher security standards in these outdoor locations.
To access the eduroam WiFi network for the first time, follow the instructions on the ITS eduroam site.
New boardwalk between SoVi and main campus
Construction of a new lighted pathway between South Village (SoVi) and the academic corridor started this summer, with an expected completion in spring 2024. Entrances will be near SoVi Dining on the South Bridge Loop Road, Bower School of Music & the Arts and Recreation Field 1, a multipurpose sports field near Academic Building 9.
The work was authorized through a permit issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the project has passed all environmental and wildlife reviews. The boardwalk is included in FGCU’s master plan. Funding comes mainly from the FGCU Financing Corporation.
Updated signage reflects branding
As part of a comprehensive rebranding initiative that included the fall 2022 launch of the new FGCU logo, new signage has been installed across university properties to create a unified visual identity, reflect campus pride and enhance wayfinding. Over 1,100 signs have been or will be replaced, including:
23 large parking garage signs
28 directional signs
508 small parking signs
150 (and counting) vinyl logo designs on doors and windows.
More than 450 small blue office signs outside offices/cubicles.
The new branding extends beyond buildings and structures. FGCU also refreshed digital platforms, including FGCU.edu, Gulfline, Workday and social media profiles. Still to come: replacement of the lettering and logo on the front entrance obelisk and horizontal monument.
There is now wireless coverage on the Library Lawn.
Boardwalks connect various parts of the FGCU campus.