Free lecture offers ecology lessons for SW Florida
Efforts to control water systems, like those imposed on Lake Okeechobee and the Florida Everglades, will be the timely topic...
Students research Caribbean culture, history
For Diana Ramirez, studying abroad was much more than just an academically sanctioned opportunity to visit the Caribbean. Traveling to...
Learn more about Renaissance Academy
Open houses are scheduled in January for the public to learn more about FGCU’s Renaissance Academy, which offers lifelong learning and enrichment programs through more...
Bradshaw, FGCU earn engagement accolades
Community engagement has been a hallmark of Florida Gulf Coast University in its two decades of existence, and that dedication...
970-plus Eagles to graduate Sunday
FGCU will confer degrees on more than 970 students on Sunday, Dec. 11, during two commencement ceremonies at Alico Arena....
Free lectures tap into water issues
FGCU’s Everglades Wetland Research Park in Naples presents five preeminent national and international speakers in its fifth annual Moonlight on...
FGCU honors veterans at appreciation luncheon
Dr. Chris Wright-Isak, assistant professor of marketing, warned the crowd of about 100 gathered in the Cohen Center ballroom Thursday...