Categories | College of Arts and Sciences

20 complete FGCU’s 1st Peace Corps Prep Program

May 8, 2019 0

Students on path to service develop leadership skills, engage with community...

DC-bound grad aims to work for the common good

May 2, 2019 0

FGCU Hall of Famer pursues public administration master’s at George Washington University...

FGCU professor Mike Parsons named to Blue-Green Algae Task Force

April 29, 2019 0

Gov. Ron DeSantis has named Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) marine science professor Mike Parsons to the Blue-Green Algae Task...

Students draw on local leadership for ethical experience

April 16, 2019 0

Higher education takes on practical meaning when it includes interaction with and feedback from professionals who “walk the walk” in...