Categories | Alumni

Grad shares secrets to her Soar in 4 success

April 26, 2018 0

Morgan Murray, an Honors graduate with a bachelor of arts degree in community health, was ready for her close-up outside...

Leadership Academy offers inside view of FGCU

March 12, 2018 0

The Florida Gulf Coast University Alumni Association has announced the return of its Leadership Academy, an inside look at FGCU’s growing and evolving programs and facilities....

Faculty-student film concludes Seidler festival

February 26, 2018 0

Most FGCU students would belong to what is called the “born-free” generation in South Africa — those who came after...

FGCU honors alumni at Homecoming

February 23, 2018 0

For a school that’s barely 20, Florida Gulf Coast University has solidified some notable traditions. One is the annual celebration...

Advancing FGCU is alum’s latest campus role

February 15, 2018 0

Florida Gulf Coast University’s family tree of successful alums branches throughout the world, but there’s something special about homegrown talent...

Student researches classroom motivation

January 23, 2018 0

We can make one assumption about Nora Johnson: She’s Theory Y all the way. Johnson, a recent finance graduate at...

Homecoming Feb. 14-17 celebrates Green & Blue

January 16, 2018 0

Florida Gulf Coast University will amp up Eagle pride and honor students past and present during Homecoming activities Feb. 14-17....

#FGCUat20 Photo Spot Contest

November 13, 2017 0

Anyone who’s part of the FGCU community can enter the #FGCUat20 Photo Spot Instagram Contest by posting photos of one...