FGCU Academy seeks lecturers for lifelong learning programs

3 – minute read

Are you passionate about a particular subject and eager to share your knowledge with intellectually curious audiences in Southwest Florida?


If so, FGCU Academy – Florida Gulf Coast University’s lifelong learning program for adults, seniors and retirees – might be the ideal platform for you.


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The academy is actively seeking presenters to deliver single lectures or short courses on a diverse range of topics that pique people’s interests. To learn more and submit your lecture proposals, visit fgcu.edu/academy/instructors or email [email protected]. John Guerra, the academy’s director, aims to increase the number of lecturers to 200 this year.


The academy fosters new connections, friendships and engagement throughout Southwest Florida, he said.


“Not only does everyone have something to learn, but everyone has something to teach as well,” he said. “That’s what I say to the people in the community. If you like our program as a learner, think about participating as a lecturer as well.”

A woman standing in front of a classroom smiling.

Typically, academy lecturers are paid $100 per presentation and are asked to present at multiple locations. The academy offers programs at six Lee County and 14 Collier County sites.


Guerra stresses that while advanced degrees are not mandatory, candidates should demonstrate subject matter expertise in an area that could be a hobby or a profession.


This expertise can include a wide array of topics such as the arts, history, law, computers and technology, ecology, finance, health and wellness, music, science, photography, literature, religion, language, life enrichment, writing and philosophy.

Older people sitting in a classroom listening to a speaker.

Ambassador Hugo Llorens (Ret.), a passionate advocate for giving back and sharing knowledge, has dedicated the past five years to presenting three core lectures at various academy locations. These lectures cover Afghanistan, the National Security Council during the George W. Bush administration, and Richard Nixon, the late president known for his exceptional skills in foreign affairs.


During his lecture on Afghanistan, Llorens emphasizes the importance of delving beyond the provocative issues. He aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the country’s rich history and its profound significance in international affairs. Llorens said he maintains a professional and impartial approach, eschewing political commentary to ensure that his lectures remain objective and informative.


“I’m coming clinically from a professional point of view,” said Llorens, who dedicates ample time for questions and discussions, allowing for an interactive and enriching exchange of ideas.


“There are a lot of smart people out there,” he said of FGCU Academy participants. “I think I’m giving them some knowledge and some of my experience. I’m actually learning and getting perspectives from the audience.”

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