News | October 20, 2016


Suncoast Credit Union established scholarship for first-gen students

1 - minute read

First-generation students will get a hand up with a new endowed scholarship fund established by Suncoast Credit Union Foundation. The credit union has pledged $25,000 to establish the endowed fund. Gifts to first-generation scholarships are eligible to be matched by the state of Florida or the FGCU Foundation.

The Suncoast Credit Union Foundation First Generation Scholarship Endowed Fund will award scholarships to Southwest Florida residents who demonstrate financial need, participate in a financial literacy workshop, hold a GPA of 2.75 or greater and are the first in their families to attend college.

“For our communities to thrive, we must develop and empower our future leaders and that starts with education,” said Cindy Helton, executive director of the Suncoast Credit Union Foundation. “Giving students who might not otherwise have the opportunity to pursue higher education the chance to do so has a trickle-down effect, impacting the stability of entire communities.

“The students we are able to support now will have the tools to pursue lines of work and ways of living that will elevate their entire life experiences.” Along with Suncoast Credit Union, Florida Gulf Coast University works hard to assist first-generation students in gaining the financial assistance they need to attend college in an effort to change not only those students’ lives but those of their families as well.

“An education is the key that opens the door to a lifetime of opportunity,” said Tony Lee, FGCU director of major gifts. “We are honored to partner with Suncoast Credit Union Foundation to help make that opportunity a reality for many more promising students.”

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